Thursday, August 16, 2012

How to: Bright Pink Blush

Hello Awesome Readers~

One more day and it's weekend again! ^^ Wohoo! :)

I am in the mood to post another How to blog for all of you today. 

Do you like blushes? If so, what color of blush do you usually go for? For some, choosing a blush color for a specific skin tone is such a challenge. But do you know that there is a blush that can work for almost anybody? 

According to some makeup artists, a bright pink blush can be worn by anyone from light to dark complexion. A little helpful tip though in choosing the best pink blush for you is to choose the richer pink if you have dark skin tone and brighter pink for light skin tone. Super easy right?


So here are some rules that you can follow when you apply bright blushes:

Rule 1

 Choose the right blush for your skin type all the time. For dry skin, you can opt for cream or powder blush but stay away from shimmery ones for it will highlight even more your dry skin. Then, for oily skin, opt for cream blushes because it is easier to blend.


Rule 2

Blending is the key to look make your blush look natural. Whether it is a bright one or natural one, you should never forget blending it all the way.


So the next time you find a flushing pink colored blush in the market, you know which one to choose! ^^

Do you wear bright pink blushes?

Let me know



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