Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Breakfast at French Baker

Hello Awesome Readers~

How often do you eat out for a breakfast? For me, I rarely do that. A couple of reasons, first, I am not a morning person because of my current job and second I personally think cooked food at home is the best! But today, it is an exemption. Today is one of the rarest day in my life that I get to eat out for my breakfast. So if you are like me who doesn't really eat out for breakfast, then this post might be a little help. I will share some things that you can consider when you found that rare moment in your life as well, to eat outside for your breakfast.

 There are few things you should consider when you find a good place for your first meal of the day.

 I guess, top of the list will be the quality of food. Since, breakfast is the most important meal for you to last the whole day, you should find a place where you can be delighted with the food and as well as get nourishment from it.

The next thing would be the price. Well, actually in depends on how much money you have in your wallet but I guess this factor shouldn't be disregarded. No matter how much you have, if you don't spend it wisely, soon enough it will be gone. So that's why I included budget here. There are places where you can get great food for affordable prices. You don't want to end up feeling still hungry after paying a really hefty price for a meal right? So do some research on your prospect restaurant before you dive in.

The place is always a PLUS factor. Your stomach shouldn't be the only one getting full. Your eyes should be pleased as well. The place should be nice and cozy enough for a morning meal - not too noisy, not too crowded and has really good surroundings. You want some place that will keep you relaxed and not irritated.

Last but not the least, you should always consider the service quality of the restaurant or the food chain. If you want fine dinning for a breakfast, they should be able to comply with the time they gave you before you get even hungrier! For fast food chains, it should be FAST hello! As what they say, HUNGRY PEOPLE are ANGRY PEOPLE. So better think twice before you order.

So let me share to you the place I went today for my breakfast. It's The FRENCH BAKER in AliMall.

fbaker3 All of the factors to be considered I mentioned above were met so I am pretty much happy with this experience.

I ordered Quiche Lorraine Soup and Salad for only 165php. And Pagibig ordered Chicken Pesto Spaghetti 170php and Apple Juice.

Hope you find this helpful!




  1. French Baker in one of those places that serves good food but not a lot of people go there because they tend to think its too expensive.. which is not ^^, Great post!

    xx Alice



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