Thursday, January 2, 2014

My New Year Beauty Resolutions

Hello Awesome Readers~

Since it is new year, why not make a new year resolution just like everyone is doing? I really have tons of areas to improve in myself and I don't have any plans of keeping the "old" me for the rest of the year. I want to improve more on my character, my views in life and most importantly my relationship with my God. We all have the chance to make ourselves and our lives better this year. The question we need to answer is are we ready to make a change? If not now, when? 

I am so ready to forget the "old me" and become a the "better me" this year. So to start of my year right, I would like to share with you some New Year Resolutions I have when it comes to beauty! ^^ You might agree with some of these mistakes i did last year and might want to do better this year so let's act now~ 

I present to you my New Year Beauty Resolutions.

First on my list, I really want to be a "Big Saver" this year and not a "Big Spender" anymore. I am not getting any younger and I need money for the future so I plan to reduce makeup shoppping especially when it's not really necessary. I have this tendency to buy makeup every so often even if I really don't feel the need to stock up on it, so this year, I will be wiser and just buy makeup items I will be needing for myself and for my future clients.
Speaking of not getting any younger, my skin needs extra protection and nourishing now that I am in the mid 20s. So I plan to see to it that I will not be missing applying my daily body moisturizers as to avoid dry flaky skin when I reached my golden years.
I also plan to drink healthy this year. I will not be lazy in making refreshments made from natural ingredients to preserve the beauty of my skin. It will also hydrate my body since summer is again fast approaching.

That's it for my New Year Beauty Resolutions, now it's time for you to make yours. I hope and pray for a better year for all of us! Cheers for the better YOU!



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