Monday, February 10, 2014

Skin Care: Anew 360 degree White

Hello Awesome Readers!~

Are you particular with your skin care routine? How much importance do you give on this matter?

When I was younger, I never paid so much attention about skin care and thought that simple facial wash will do all it's miracle on my face. Well, fortunately, I didn't suffer from any major breakout for the past 25 years of my existence, but that doesn't mean I can careless about it. 

Lately, I noticed some minor ity bity tiny pimples growing around my forehead and below my left cheek and I can not let these minor problems get bigger and started finding a way on how I can eliminate them without having to use any harsh ingredients. 

Then, my mother came to the rescue and recommended this Avon skin care line Anew. I've been seeing this for so long and never really gave so much attention about it - one it's price range is really high and two i don't really think it works well. Not until i decided to give it a try and decided to order. Luckily, the one I wanted was on Buy One Take One promo and I was able to save 499php! Super nice deal!!

So here it is, the Anew 360 degrees White,  great for any age for eliminating dark spots and dullness. FYI, Anew products of Avon caters to specific age bracket and for that I am thankful! You can really make sure that the products will be suited for Asian people and for your age and skin's concerns.

I got the Anew 360 degrees White Illuminating Toner (100ml) for 499php and got the Illuminating Cleanser (125ml) 499php for free!! How cool is that! I am so glad about this! Who doesn't like freebies? :)


I've been using this ever since, and I must say that my skin improved significantly. I use this twice everyday, once before I sleep and once in the morning after bath. I noticed that the tiny pimples are slowly diminishing and my skin looks a lot brighter and healthier! I wasn't able to take pictures of before and after, I am so sorry! I was in a hurry today. But I will do an updated Skin Care Routine post soon regarding this matter and I'll let you see the changes.

Till next post!


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