Monday, October 15, 2012

My First Wedding Gig

Hello Awesome Readers~

I wasn't able to post the wedding event last time. I got sick :(. Glad i'm okay now. So finally here's the much delayed post about the wedding gig my friend and i did last October 6.

So early morning, my friend and i met up and went straight to the hotel where the bride and the rest of the entourage were waiting. My friend took over with taking care with the bride and i went ahead and did the bride's maid of honor, the groom's sister and the mother of the bride.

The motif the wedding was royal and gray. So i chose colors that will compliment the motif but won't over shadow the beauty of the bride. It is important to let the bride shine since it is her special day so i carefully chose the colors that i will use for their eye look. Though my clinets requested for something colorful for their makeup look, i made the colors muted so that it won't look too heavy for a day time wedding event.

The Grooms Sister~

Doing her makeup~ Groom's sister.

The Bride's Maid~

The mother of the Bride.

While fixing the bride's veil.

Wacky bride~

Retouching the bride before she enters the reception area.

My friend doing the Bride's Makeup~

Arni and I together with our creations :)
It took about 4 hours before we finished everyone and i am glad that we finished on time, just before the we head on to the church. The church looked special and the bride looked so beautiful. I am glad that the feedback we got from the bride's family were all positive. They were satisfied on our service and i am looking forward to more wedding gigs in the near future. If you want to book me, here is my business card. See how i did it HERE.

Special thanks to Arni's husband for the awesome pictures! ^^

Thank you so much for reading this post.




  1. i know who is the bride. she is the older sister of my former classmate in high school. I thought she looked familiar so I looked at my former classmate's FB profile. Lo, and behold! I'm correct! =)

  2. in the last picture, my former classmate is the second person from the right. =)


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