Thursday, May 15, 2014

Not All Those Who Wander are Lost

Hello Awesome Readers!~

I super love comfy and low maintenance clothes during summer that's the reason why denim shorts are my go to pieces. You can pair it with almost anything you can think of when you talk about summer outfits.

As you know, from my previous post, I went to a place where I get to experience extra-ordinary dining experience and if you would like to see my post about it just click HERE.

The place was just so perfect and amazing! And I really want to roam around the place freely and comfortably so here's what I decided to wear. Really street casual and somehow has a touch of Korean style because of the striped cardigan. I love how this cardigan can transform your look into a polished looking street wear. The cardigan has a light texture making it bearable even under the sun! It also gave me extra protection not to get sun burned because it has long sleeves.

The denim shorts is a no-brainer! If you like something casual to wear for days out you can really not go wrong with these kinds. To put a twist and to complete this look, I topped it all off with trustee fedora hat!

Stripped Cardigan - St. Francis Square
Denim Shorts - Thirfted
Fedora Hat - St. Francis Square



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