Wednesday, January 22, 2014

EOTD: Valentine Beauty Look 1

Hello Awesome Readers~

Are you excited for Valentines? I know, it's still 3 to 4 weeks from now, but it never hurts if you start preparing early right? For sure, you will be going out with your significant other or hang out with your best buddies on that day, but regardless of what your plans will be on that special day, you deserve to look wonderful and beautiful!

So as early as now, let me give options to choose from for your Valentines day celebration. I am officially welcoming you to my Valentine Beauty Look Series! *insert confetti*  I just love making series of look for all of you! I hope you feel the same way!

So to start off this wonderful series, here is a nice classic makeup look that will go well with any romantic night out with your girlfriends or romantic dinner for two with your significant other. This look is perfect for you ladies out there who would like to look sexy without showing skin. This makeup look will do all the talking for you! Those smokin' eyes will captivate anybody who will stare at you! Those sexy red lips will seal any deals and will leave them wanting more!..Hold up! I sound like a sexy advertorial now!

Moving on, my point is that this look will be so sexy and smokin that nobody can't help but notice!

Here's the teaser of the look you'll witness on my video tutorial coming up this weekend so if you want to know how I did it, stay tuned! ^^

For the meantime, here are the products I've used:

Hints Powder in Natural mixed with FS Powder Foundation in Oriental

Urban Decay Eye Primer Potion
Fashion 21 Black Eyeliner
NYX Runway Collection Black Eyeshadow and White Eyeshadow
Etude House Falsies in Secret Long
Urban Decay SuperCurl Curling Mascara

See you all in Youtube land this weekend and don't forget to catch this amazing look for Valentines!



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